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Spotters & Red Stain Removal
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Spotters & Red Stain Removal
 Manufacturer   Model      Product Name+   Price 
 Bissell   4001-C   Bissell 19X6 Heavy Traffic Precleaner / Case of 6x 22oz bottles (Now Pretreat )   Bissell 19X6 Heavy Traffic Precleaner / Case of 6x 22oz bottles (Now Pretreat )   $50.01 
 Bissell   45V1   Bissell 45V1, Odor and Stain Remover   Bissell 45V1, Odor and Stain Remover   $12.07 
 Chemspec   CCBT4G   Chemspec 102034 Browning Treatment and Coffee Stain Remover 4/1 Gal Case - C-BT4G   Chemspec 102034 Browning Treatment and Coffee Stain Remover 4/1 Gal Case - C-BT4G   $86.86 
 Chemspec   C-C1200   Chemspec C-C1200 Liqua Gel 12/16 oz Case Canada Only Spotter   Chemspec C-C1200 Liqua Gel 12/16 oz Case Canada Only Spotter   $261.57 
 Chemspec   LGCS   Chemspec C-LGCS Liqua Gel 12/16 oz Case USA Only Spotter (not available in California) Included Shipping   Chemspec C-LGCS Liqua Gel 12/16 oz Case USA Only Spotter (not available in California) Included Shipping   $261.57 
 Chemspec   091965010302   Chemspec C-LGCS Liqua Gel 16 oz  USA Only Spotter (not available in California), UPC: 091965010302   Chemspec C-LGCS Liqua Gel 16 oz USA Only Spotter (not available in California), UPC: 091965010302   $22.72 
 Chemspec   76-170   Chemspec C-POGCS Paint Oil and Grease Remover /Sapphire Scientific OCG- Oil Grease and Cosmetic Spotter 12x1 Quart Case   Chemspec C-POGCS Paint Oil and Grease Remover /Sapphire Scientific OCG- Oil Grease and Cosmetic Spotter 12x1 Quart Case   $302.08 
 Chemspec   091965010968   Chemspec C-POGCS Paint Oil and Grease Remover Sapphire Scientific 76-170 OCG, UPC: 091965010968 (1 Quart)   Chemspec C-POGCS Paint Oil and Grease Remover Sapphire Scientific 76-170 OCG, UPC: 091965010968 (1 Quart)   $26.09 
 Chemspec   C-PSLCS   Chemspec C-PSLCS Pro Spot Lifter 12/32oz Qt Case (Not Sold In California) Included Shipping   Chemspec C-PSLCS Pro Spot Lifter 12/32oz Qt Case (Not Sold In California) Included Shipping   $215.88 
 Chemspec   76-310   Chemspec C-REDXITCS Sapphire Scientific 76-310 RedXit Red Stain Remover (12/1 Quart CASE)   Chemspec C-REDXITCS Sapphire Scientific 76-310 RedXit Red Stain Remover (12/1 Quart CASE)   $213.55 
 Chemspec   C-RRCS   Chemspec C-RRCS Rust Remover 12/ 32oz Qt Case   Chemspec C-RRCS Rust Remover 12/ 32oz Qt Case   $293.32 
 Chemspec   091965138389   Chemspec C-RRCS Rust Remover 32oz Qt UPC 091965138389   Chemspec C-RRCS Rust Remover 32oz Qt UPC 091965138389   $25.38 
 Chemspec   847136000920   Chemspec RED X IT Sapphire Scientific 76-310 RedXit Red Stain Remover (1 Quart) UPC 847136000920   Chemspec RED X IT Sapphire Scientific 76-310 RedXit Red Stain Remover (1 Quart) UPC 847136000920   $18.63 
 Chemspec   76-070   Chemspec Sapphire Scientific 76-070 General Purpose Spotter (12x1 Quart Case)   Chemspec Sapphire Scientific 76-070 General Purpose Spotter (12x1 Quart Case)   $131.89 
 Chemspec   76-110   Chemspec Sapphire Scientific 76-110 Rust and Tannin Spotter (12x1 Quart Case)   Chemspec Sapphire Scientific 76-110 Rust and Tannin Spotter (12x1 Quart Case)   $225.28 
 Clean Storm   20131020   Clean Storm 20131020, 500psi Dual 6.6 Vacuum, Auto Fill Dump, and Rotovac 360i Wand, Business Starter Package Bundle   Clean Storm 20131020, 500psi Dual 6.6 Vacuum, Auto Fill Dump, and Rotovac 360i Wand, Business Starter Package Bundle   $7,607.10 
 Clean Storm   Business Package   Clean Storm Business Package, Starter Carpet Cleaning Injection Sprayer, Urine Sensor Meter, Spot Stain Chemicals   Clean Storm Business Package, Starter Carpet Cleaning Injection Sprayer, Urine Sensor Meter, Spot Stain Chemicals   $1,388.69 
 ProsChoice   C3002   CTI 3030 Pros Choice Citra Quick Solvent Carpet Cleaning Spotter 1Gal C3002 3026, UPC: 078345005257   CTI 3030 Pros Choice Citra Quick Solvent Carpet Cleaning Spotter 1Gal C3002 3026, UPC: 078345005257   $41.51 
 ProsChoice   078345002898   CTI Pros Choice 078345002713 Pro Solve Liquid 7 oz Paint Oil Grease Gum Remover - 1060 [078345002898]   CTI Pros Choice 078345002713 Pro Solve Liquid 7 oz Paint Oil Grease Gum Remover - 1060 [078345002898]   $12.54 
 ProsChoice   078345002690   CTI Pros Choice 1051 Power Gel Super Spotter - 88.7 ml Tube EACH UPC 078345002690   CTI Pros Choice 1051 Power Gel Super Spotter - 88.7 ml Tube EACH UPC 078345002690   $8.32 
 ProsChoice   1051C   CTI Pros Choice 1051C Power Gel Super Spotter - 88.7 ml Tube Case Of 12, GTIN: N/A   CTI Pros Choice 1051C Power Gel Super Spotter - 88.7 ml Tube Case Of 12, GTIN: N/A   $75.52 
 ProsChoice   078345003499   CTI Pros Choice 3184, Predator Pre Spray and Spotter, 1 Jar, UPC 078345003499   CTI Pros Choice 3184, Predator Pre Spray and Spotter, 1 Jar, UPC 078345003499   $35.18 
 ProsChoice   078345003673   CTI Pros Choice Amazing Rinse Free Spot All - 1gal UPC: 078345003673   CTI Pros Choice Amazing Rinse Free Spot All - 1gal UPC: 078345003673   $19.51 
 ProsChoice   3332C   CTI Pros Choice Amazing Rinse Free Spot All 3332C CASE of 4 - 1Gal Bottles   CTI Pros Choice Amazing Rinse Free Spot All 3332C CASE of 4 - 1Gal Bottles   $84.22 
 ProsChoice   078345002683   CTI Pros Choice C3050 Power Gel Super Spotter 1 Gallon - 1050 - UPC 078345002683   CTI Pros Choice C3050 Power Gel Super Spotter 1 Gallon - 1050 - UPC 078345002683   $39.70 
 ProsChoice   1050C   CTI Pros Choice C3050 Power Gel Super Spotter 4/1 Gallon Case - 1050C   CTI Pros Choice C3050 Power Gel Super Spotter 4/1 Gallon Case - 1050C   $166.10 
 ProsChoice   078345002706   CTI Pros Choice C3055, Pro-Solve Gel Solvent Gel, Tube, UPC 078345002706   CTI Pros Choice C3055, Pro-Solve Gel Solvent Gel, Tube, UPC 078345002706   $7.67 
 DSC Products   42358   DSC Desolv Coffee Remover 32oz Qt. X 24 2 CASES [42358]   DSC Desolv Coffee Remover 32oz Qt. X 24 2 CASES [42358]   $195.98 
 DSC Products   42020   DSC Exclude Gum and Glue Remover 2 Cases / 8 Gallons   DSC Exclude Gum and Glue Remover 2 Cases / 8 Gallons   $333.08 
 DSC Products   42027   DSC Products Restore Acid Spotter and Debrowning Agent 2 Cases - 8 Gallons   DSC Products Restore Acid Spotter and Debrowning Agent 2 Cases - 8 Gallons   $143.79 
 Clean Storm   GW2   Gumwand Cleaning Solution Concentrate for Gum Reaper 8 oz. Bottle 20/Case - GW2   Gumwand Cleaning Solution Concentrate for Gum Reaper 8 oz. Bottle 20/Case - GW2   $175.40 
 Steambrite MFG   310921080   Harris 30 Percent Cleaning Vinegar Concentrate (4-Gal CASE) Plus 32 oz. Professional Spray Bottle 310921080   Harris 30 Percent Cleaning Vinegar Concentrate (4-Gal CASE) Plus 32 oz. Professional Spray Bottle 310921080   $103.43 
 Harvard Chemical Research   121001   Harvard Chemical 121001, GelZov D Limolene Gel Spot Remover, Case 12-1 Pint Bottles, GTIN 711978404867   Harvard Chemical 121001, GelZov D Limolene Gel Spot Remover, Case 12-1 Pint Bottles, GTIN 711978404867   $206.09 
 Harvard Chemical Research   12100101   Harvard Chemical 12100101, GelZov Gel D-Limonene Gum and grease Spotter, 16 oz Gel-Zolv, GTIN 711978404867   Harvard Chemical 12100101, GelZov Gel D-Limonene Gum and grease Spotter, 16 oz Gel-Zolv, GTIN 711978404867   $20.17 
 Harvard Chemical Research   302401   Harvard Chemical 302401, Ink Off Ink Stain Remover, 1 Pint - 302, GTIN 711978415931   Harvard Chemical 302401, Ink Off Ink Stain Remover, 1 Pint - 302, GTIN 711978415931   $12.51 
 Harvard Chemical Research   302402   Harvard Chemical 302402, Ink Off Ink Stain Remover, 12 x 1 Pint Case, 3024,  GTIN 711978415931   Harvard Chemical 302402, Ink Off Ink Stain Remover, 12 x 1 Pint Case, 3024, GTIN 711978415931   $133.26 
 Harvard Chemical Research   3501   Harvard Chemical 3508, Just Like Magic, One Step Oxidizing Stain Remover, 32 oz Bottle - [3501], GTIN 711978406700   Harvard Chemical 3508, Just Like Magic, One Step Oxidizing Stain Remover, 32 oz Bottle - [3501], GTIN 711978406700   $12.65 
 Harvard Chemical Research   3501-6   Harvard Chemical 3508-6 Just Like Magic One Step Oxidizing Stain Remover case of 6-32oz Bottles - 3501-6 GTIN 711978406700   Harvard Chemical 3508-6 Just Like Magic One Step Oxidizing Stain Remover case of 6-32oz Bottles - 3501-6 GTIN 711978406700   $99.64 
 Harvard Chemical Research   50801   Harvard Chemical 50801, Rust Out Rust Stain Remover, 1 Pint - 5080, UPC: 711978406236   Harvard Chemical 50801, Rust Out Rust Stain Remover, 1 Pint - 5080, UPC: 711978406236   $8.72 
 Harvard Chemical Research   50802   Harvard Chemical 50802, Rust Out Rust Stain Remover, 12 x 1 Pint, 5080   Harvard Chemical 50802, Rust Out Rust Stain Remover, 12 x 1 Pint, 5080   $93.26 
 Harvard Chemical Research   8018   Harvard Chemical 8018, POGO Dry Cleaner Volatile Spotter, 1 Quart Paint Oil Grease, GTIN 711978405628   Harvard Chemical 8018, POGO Dry Cleaner Volatile Spotter, 1 Quart Paint Oil Grease, GTIN 711978405628   $11.04 
 Harvard Chemical Research   8018-12   Harvard Chemical 8018-12, POGO Dry Cleaner Volatile Spotter, Case 12-1 Quart Bottles, GTIN 711978405628   Harvard Chemical 8018-12, POGO Dry Cleaner Volatile Spotter, Case 12-1 Quart Bottles, GTIN 711978405628   $110.03 
 HydraMaster   000-002-038   HydraMaster 000-002-038 Professional Spotting Kit   HydraMaster 000-002-038 Professional Spotting Kit   $196.58 
 HydraMaster   800-475-A   HydraMaster 800-475-A, UPS Urine PreSpray/Acid Spotter, 12 x 1 quart Case   HydraMaster 800-475-A, UPS Urine PreSpray/Acid Spotter, 12 x 1 quart Case   $204.90 
 HydraMaster   800-475-B   HydraMaster 800-475-B, UPS Urine PreSpray/Acid Spotter, 4 x 1 gallon Case   HydraMaster 800-475-B, UPS Urine PreSpray/Acid Spotter, 4 x 1 gallon Case   $135.26 
 HydraMaster   800-600-A   HydraMaster 800-600-A, OJ Orange-Jel Gelled Spot, and Stain Remover, 12 x 1 quart Case   HydraMaster 800-600-A, OJ Orange-Jel Gelled Spot, and Stain Remover, 12 x 1 quart Case   $501.69 
 HydraMaster   950-241-A   HydraMaster 950-241-A, SpotMaster Pro XP, 12 x 1 quart Case   HydraMaster 950-241-A, SpotMaster Pro XP, 12 x 1 quart Case   $192.25 
 HydraMaster   950-244-A   HydraMaster 950-244-A, SpotMaster CSR, 12 x 1.25 pound Jars   HydraMaster 950-244-A, SpotMaster CSR, 12 x 1.25 pound Jars   $139.73 
 HydraMaster   950-249-A   HydraMaster 950-249-A, RedBreak 1 Red Stain, and Colored Food, and Drink Stain Remover, 12 x 1 quart Case   HydraMaster 950-249-A, RedBreak 1 Red Stain, and Colored Food, and Drink Stain Remover, 12 x 1 quart Case   $244.27 
 HydraMaster   950-251-A   HydraMaster 950-251-A, SpotMaster Gel XP for Oil Based Stains, 12 x 1 quart Case   HydraMaster 950-251-A, SpotMaster Gel XP for Oil Based Stains, 12 x 1 quart Case   $255.16 
 HydraMaster   950-254-A   HydraMaster 950-254-A, KnockOut 1 One Part Oxidizing Stain Remover, 12 x 1 quart Case   HydraMaster 950-254-A, KnockOut 1 One Part Oxidizing Stain Remover, 12 x 1 quart Case   $244.27 
 HydraMaster   950-257-A   HydraMaster 950-257-A, RustBreak Rust Removing, Spotting Solution 12 x 1 quart Case   HydraMaster 950-257-A, RustBreak Rust Removing, Spotting Solution 12 x 1 quart Case   $231.05 
 ProsChoice   078345002768   Pros Choice 078345002768, Rust Away Rust Remover, 16oz - 1 Pint - C3035 - 1080C UPC: 078345002768   Pros Choice 078345002768, Rust Away Rust Remover, 16oz - 1 Pint - C3035 - 1080C UPC: 078345002768   $14.57 
 ProsChoice   078345002379   Pros Choice 1035, Amazing Gooff 1 Pint, 078345002379   Pros Choice 1035, Amazing Gooff 1 Pint, 078345002379   $10.13 
 ProsChoice   078345002379   Pros Choice 1035C Amazing Gooff, Case of 12 1Pint Bottles, UPC 078345002379   Pros Choice 1035C Amazing Gooff, Case of 12 1Pint Bottles, UPC 078345002379   $109.94 
 ProsChoice   1040-6   Pros Choice 1040-6, Red Relief, Case of 8 pint sets, UPC: NA   Pros Choice 1040-6, Red Relief, Case of 8 pint sets, UPC: NA   $137.69 
 ProsChoice   078345002751   Pros Choice 1075, Red One Red Stain Remover, Single Quart Bottle, UPC 078345002751   Pros Choice 1075, Red One Red Stain Remover, Single Quart Bottle, UPC 078345002751   $15.92 
 ProsChoice   1075C   Pros Choice 1075C, Red One Red Stain Remover, CASE of 12x Quart Bottles, UPC: 078345002751   Pros Choice 1075C, Red One Red Stain Remover, CASE of 12x Quart Bottles, UPC: 078345002751   $182.87 
 ProsChoice   1080C   Pros Choice 1080C Rust Away Rust Remover, 12/1 Pint case, C3035   Pros Choice 1080C Rust Away Rust Remover, 12/1 Pint case, C3035   $145.36 
 ProsChoice   1100C   Pros Choice 1100C, Stain Magic, Case of 6, Dual 16 oz pint bottle Set   Pros Choice 1100C, Stain Magic, Case of 6, Dual 16 oz pint bottle Set   $110.05 
 ProsChoice   078345002782   Pros Choice 1100C-1, Stain Magic,  Dual 16oz pint bottle Set, 078345002782   Pros Choice 1100C-1, Stain Magic, Dual 16oz pint bottle Set, 078345002782   $19.15 
 ProsChoice   078345003178   Pros Choice 3035, Dirt Chaser Enzyme Prespray and Spotter, 1 Gallon 078345003178   Pros Choice 3035, Dirt Chaser Enzyme Prespray and Spotter, 1 Gallon 078345003178   $34.37 
 ProsChoice   3035C   Pros Choice 3035C, Dirt Chaser, Enzyme Prespray and Spotter, 4 x 1 Gal Case   Pros Choice 3035C, Dirt Chaser, Enzyme Prespray and Spotter, 4 x 1 Gal Case   $134.22 
 ProsChoice   4020   Pros Choice 4020, Soft Side, CTI Spotting Kit   Pros Choice 4020, Soft Side, CTI Spotting Kit   $133.63 
 ProsChoice   078345002645   Pros Choice C3008, Browning Treatment, 1 Gallon, UPC 078345002645   Pros Choice C3008, Browning Treatment, 1 Gallon, UPC 078345002645   $17.97 
 ProsChoice   C3010   Pros Choice C3010, Red Relief Single Quart Set, 2 x 16oz Bottles,  111055  1605-1512, GTIN 078345002720   Pros Choice C3010, Red Relief Single Quart Set, 2 x 16oz Bottles, 111055 1605-1512, GTIN 078345002720   $18.62 
 ProsChoice   C3011   Pros Choice C3011 Red Relief Single Half Gallon Set, 2 x 32oz Bottles UPC 078345002737   Pros Choice C3011 Red Relief Single Half Gallon Set, 2 x 32oz Bottles UPC 078345002737   $30.70 
 ProsChoice   C3012   Pros Choice C3012: Red Relief for Wool (3 Part Pint Set) GTIN: N/A   Pros Choice C3012: Red Relief for Wool (3 Part Pint Set) GTIN: N/A   $25.06 
 ProsChoice   C3022   Pros Choice C3022, Stain Magic Dual Quart Set, (1/2 gallon total) 108573  1653-0786, GTIN 078345002805   Pros Choice C3022, Stain Magic Dual Quart Set, (1/2 gallon total) 108573 1653-0786, GTIN 078345002805   $32.48 
 ProsChoice   3331C   Pros Choice CTI 3331C - Amazing Rinse Free Spot All, Case of 12 - 1qt Bottles   Pros Choice CTI 3331C - Amazing Rinse Free Spot All, Case of 12 - 1qt Bottles   $98.15 
 ProsChoice   078345002775   Pros Choice CTI C3014, Stain Blotter, 1 Gallon, UPC 078345002775, Pro Poultice 1090C   Pros Choice CTI C3014, Stain Blotter, 1 Gallon, UPC 078345002775, Pro Poultice 1090C   $20.20 
 ProsChoice   078345002799   Pros Choice CTI C3023 Stain Magic for Wool, 3 16oz bottles, 078345002799   Pros Choice CTI C3023 Stain Magic for Wool, 3 16oz bottles, 078345002799   $29.89 
 ProsChoice   1132C   Pros Choice CTI Dinge Away Gray (Case of 12 QT Bottles) 1132C   Pros Choice CTI Dinge Away Gray (Case of 12 QT Bottles) 1132C   $212.34 
 ProsChoice   1130C   Pros Choice CTI Dinge Away Tan (Case of 12 QT Bottles) 1130C   Pros Choice CTI Dinge Away Tan (Case of 12 QT Bottles) 1130C   $212.34 
 ProsChoice   078345003185   Pros Choice CTI Energy 3040C, 1 Gallon C3038,  UPC 078345003185   Pros Choice CTI Energy 3040C, 1 Gallon C3038, UPC 078345003185   $41.36 
 ProsChoice   1131C   Pros Choice Dinge Away White, (Case of 12 QT Bottles)   Pros Choice Dinge Away White, (Case of 12 QT Bottles)   $212.34 
 ProsChoice   3201   Pros Choice Quick Spot Buster, Case of 12x QT Bottle   Pros Choice Quick Spot Buster, Case of 12x QT Bottle   $112.81 
 ProsChoice   078345002812   Pros Choice Stain One 1104C 1Qt, UPC 078345002812   Pros Choice Stain One 1104C 1Qt, UPC 078345002812   $17.02 
 ProsChoice   1130C   Pros Choice: Dinge Away - Tan (12 QT Bottle) CASE   Pros Choice: Dinge Away - Tan (12 QT Bottle) CASE   $175.19 
 Steambrite MFG   20170115   Shazaam 20170115, Chemical Start Up Package, for Stains and Spotting, Starter Kit   Shazaam 20170115, Chemical Start Up Package, for Stains and Spotting, Starter Kit   $194.71 
 Shazaam   20170117   Shazaam 20170117, Pet Odor Control, Start Up Bundle   Shazaam 20170117, Pet Odor Control, Start Up Bundle   $84.67 
 Harvard Chemical Research   S3342012   Simoniz S3342012 Chewing Gum Remover Aerosol Spotter (made from Oranges and OMS) 12 unit Case   Simoniz S3342012 Chewing Gum Remover Aerosol Spotter (made from Oranges and OMS) 12 unit Case   $143.98 
    AMR A175-20   Spot Remover (Solventbase)   Spot Remover (Solventbase)   $79.68 
 System Clean   BWK 353-A   System Clean gum removal from carpet, Chewing Gum Remover (SYS2090 now BWK 353-A)   System Clean gum removal from carpet, Chewing Gum Remover (SYS2090 now BWK 353-A)   $95.82 
Displaying 1 to 85 (of 85 products) Result Pages:  1 
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CTI Pros Choice C3055, Pro-Solve Gel Solvent Gel, Tube, UPC 078345002706
01. CTI Pros Choice C3055, Pro-Solve Gel Solvent Gel, Tube, UPC 078345002706

Pros Choice 1075, Red One Red Stain Remover, Single Quart Bottle, UPC 078345002751
02. Pros Choice 1075, Red One Red Stain Remover, Single Quart Bottle, UPC 078345002751

Pros Choice C3010, Red Relief Single Quart Set, 2 x 16oz Bottles,  111055  1605-1512, GTIN 078345002720
03. Pros Choice C3010, Red Relief Single Quart Set, 2 x 16oz Bottles, 111055 1605-1512, GTIN 078345002720

Pros Choice C3008, Browning Treatment, 1 Gallon, UPC 078345002645
04. Pros Choice C3008, Browning Treatment, 1 Gallon, UPC 078345002645

CTI Pros Choice 1051 Power Gel Super Spotter - 88.7 ml Tube EACH UPC 078345002690
05. CTI Pros Choice 1051 Power Gel Super Spotter - 88.7 ml Tube EACH UPC 078345002690

Pros Choice Stain One 1104C 1Qt, UPC 078345002812
06. Pros Choice Stain One 1104C 1Qt, UPC 078345002812

Specials Carpet Cleaning Equipment
Husqvarna 542759338, 16in (400) Professional F770A Flat Saw Diamond Blade Asphalt, .125 x 1 DP 3R WN, GTIN 805544617291
Husqvarna 542759338, 16in (400) Professional F770A Flat Saw Diamond Blade Asphalt, .125 x 1 DP 3R WN, GTIN 805544617291
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