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Chemspec X-590-Gal Bedbug Treatment, ProRestore Microban Mediclean, X590 UnSmoke, 1 Gallon GTIN 847136001873 [X-590-Gal]

Your Price:  $64.41 
Part Number: X-590-Gal
Estimated shipping cost: $ 14.00



Chemspec Microban® Mediclean X-580 Institutional Spray Plus (now called X-590)

The Microban® treatment on water losses is recognized by major insurance companies!

Water-based, bactericide, fungicide, deodorant, and insecticide all in one unique formulation. One application kills insects, mold, mildew, bacteria odors, and provides long lasting residual protection. Microban® is E.P.A. approved for many decontamination applications including: sewage backups, removal of carcasses, etc. Microban® X-580 Institutional Spray Plus kills gram negative bacteria, the bacteria encountered in sewage backups and toilet overflow situations. Microban® X580 Institiuional Spray Plus is E.P.A. approved for both spray and ULV fog application. Microban® X-580 Institutional Spray Plus kills roaches, fleas, ants, beetles, bedbugs, and their larvae. Microban® X-580 Insitutional Spray Plus protects stored fabrics against textile destroying insects for 6 months!  You best resourse for bedbug prevention is Microban X-580 with regular fabric cleaning.

Mixing:Use full strength. Do not dilute. Refer to label..

Application:Apply via sprayer to porous surfaces at a rate of 1,500 square feet per gallon. Spray until moist, brush into carpeting, an allow 10-20 minutes for drying. See label for additional instructions.

New label is also available (photo to right.) Same product.  As a dealer we can order the label of choice so we want to let you know we do not guarantee the label we will ship.  Either way, same stuff on the inside.


Microban X-580 Label

Click to Download

Microban X590 bed bug flyer

Bedbug Resources:


Definition of Bed bug

Bed Bug Bite Treatment

Bed Bug Symptoms

Bed Bug eggs Pictures

Bed Bug Pictures

Bedbugs Plague Wisconsin

US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Bed Bug Information


 Compare to current or past OEM associations:
4GHW1, Microban X-580, Grainger 18C527, B00LW6R2DY

Related Documentation


Surfaces and objects must be cleaned of gross filth with suitable detergent before treatment. Spray surfaces and articles until thoroughly wet, use enough so that treated 
surfaces and objects remain wet for at least 10 minutes. May be applied with a sponge to pre-cleaned, hard non-porous surfaces, allowing to dry for 10 minutes. For 
fogging and other large volume applications use appropriate spraying equipment, protective clothing, gloves and respirator. Heavily treated spaces should be adequately 
ventilated and not re-entered for at least one hour after treatment.
AS A MILDEWCIDE, FUNGICIDE AND BROAD SPECTRUM DISINFECTANT: (Kills most gram negative and gram positive bacteria and influenza virus). In 
hospitals, operating rooms, emergency rooms, lobbies, hallways, patient rooms, wards, washrooms, scrub stations, mop rooms, morgues, pathology 
labs, nurse's stations, laboratories, veterinary clinics and other health care facilities; in schools, hotels, motels, restaurants, offices, homes and 
industrial buildings. For use on pre-cleaned hard non-porous surfaces such as glazed tiled porcelain, waste receptacles, compactors, on, in and around 
rest room fixtures, toilet seats, locker rooms, telephones, door knobs, hospital apparatus and equipment, furniture and empty containerized storage 
units. For athletes foot fungus on floors, shower stalls and rest rooms. Follow method of application specified above.
Apply Microban Formula X-580 Institutional Spray Plus as directed to floors, walls, ceilings that have been damaged by smoke, fire, floods and sewage 
backups. For cleanup operations in areas such as attics, wall voids, basements, areas above suspended ceilings and similar inaccessible spaces in buildings. 
Spray avian, rodent and other animal and human wastes and carcasses as directed above, prior to removal and disposal. Treat spaces and surfaces as specified 
in method of application. For use as a bacteriostat, fungistat and deodorizing agent on carpeting found in schools, hotels, motels, homes, shelters, commercial, 
industrial and public buildings. After flood or water damage, vacuum or extract as much water as possible before application. Apply full strength with sprayer 
until moist to carpet nap and rake or brush in. To treat the backing and padding a fogger is recommended. Allow to remain until dry. For best results, carpets should be 
cleaned before application.      
This product is not to be used as a terminal sterilant/high level disinfectant on any surface or instrument that (1) is introduced directly into the human body, either into or 
in contact with the bloodstream or normally sterile areas of the body, or (2) contacts intact mucous membranes but which does not ordinarily penetrate the blood barrier 
or otherwise enter normally sterile areas of the body. This product may be used to preclean or decontaminate critical or semi-critical medical devices prior to sterilization 
or high level disinfection. 
Remove all animals and feed from premises, vehicles and enclosures. Remove all litter and manure from floors, walls and surfaces of barns, pens, stalls, chutes 
and other facilities and fixtures occupied or traversed by animals. Empty all troughs, racks and other feeding and watering appliances. Thoroughly clean all 
surfaces with soap or detergent and rinse with water. Saturate all surfaces with the recommended disinfecting solution for a period of 10 minutes. Immerse all 
halters, ropes and other types of equipment used in handling and restraining animals, as well as forks, shovels and scrapers used for removing litter and 
manure. Ventilate buildings, cars, boats and other closed spaces. Do not house livestock or employ equipment until treatment has been absorbed, set or dried. 
Thoroughly scrub all treated feed racks, mangers, troughs, automatic feeders, fountains and waterers, with soap or detergent and rinse with potable water before 
reuse. Apply Microban Formula X-580 Institutional Spray Plus full strength as directed in general method of application until thoroughly wet. Allow all surfaces 
to dry thoroughly, ventilate enclosed spaces adequately. Do not house animals in treated areas until thoroughly dry and free from odors.
Flammable. Keep away from heat and open flame.
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL (for nonresidential, nonhousehold containers)
Do not contaminate water, food or feed by storage and disposal.
PESTICIDE STORAGE: Keep from freezing. Store in ventilated areas.
PESTICIDE DISPOSAL: Wastes resulting from the use of this product may be disposed of on site or at an approved waste disposal facility.
CONTAINER DISPOSAL: Triple rinse (or equivalent). Then offer for recycling or reconditioning, or puncture and dispose of in a sanitary landfill, or 
incineration, or, if allowed by state and local authorities, by burning. If burned, stay out of smoke.
STORAGE AND DISPOSAL (for household/residential containers)
IF EMPTY: Do not reuse this container. Place in trash or offer for recycling if available.
IF PARTLY FILLED: Call your local solid waste agency or 1-800-CLEANUP for disposal instructions. Never place unused product down any indoor 
or outdoor drain.

It is a violation of Federal Law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling.
Microban Formula X-580 Institutional Spray Plus should be applied with hand or power operated sprayers, foggers, automated  metering 
systems or gravity drip dispensers as an insecticide, bactericide, mold and mildewcide, fungicide and deodorizing agent, to previously cleaned 
surfaces. Spray areas until thoroughly moist, giving special attention to cracks and crevices. Allow ten to twenty minutes for drying. It is not 
necessary to wipe the sprayed surface. Microban Formula X-580 Institutional Spray Plus should not stain those materials not stained by water. 
Remove pets, birds, and cover fish aquariums before spraying.
Direct and repeat spraying of Ants, Roaches, Bedbugs, Silverfish and other harmful insects and in the cracks, crevices and hidden surfaces 
where they hide are necessary for control. Apply every 28 days or as often as needed.
To Kill Fleas and Ticks: Remove and destroy old animal bedding. Spray sleeping quarters of animals, floor areas, around baseboards, window 
and door frames, cracks, crevices and wherever the presence of these insects are suspected. Repeat as necessary. Thoroughly vacuum rugs and carpets 
prior to application. Do not spray animals. Put fresh bedding in animal quarters after spray has dried. Treat animals with a registered flea and tick control 
product before allowing them to enter treated area.
To Kill Sowbugs, Centipedes, Firebrats and Mites: Contact as many insects as possible with the spray. Also thoroughly spray all parts of the 
room suspected of harboring these pests. Special attention should be paid to cracks, crevices, hidden surfaces under sinks, basement and 
utility rooms, floors, doorjams, behind and under stoves and refrigerators.
To Kill Flies, Mosquitoes, Gnats and Wasps: Close all doors and windows and spray upward into center of room with a slow sweeping motion. 
Spray 5-10 seconds for average room. Keep room closed for 15 minutes after spraying. Ventilate room thoroughly before re-entry. Sweep up 
and destroy fallen insects. Before spraying cover exposed food and utensils.
To Kill Carpet Beetles, Lice and Moths: Clean all articles prior to application. Thoroughly spray top and undersides of rugs and carpets. 
Thoroughly spray the interiors of lockers, trunks, closets, cupboards and other storage areas. Spray directly on restroom fixtures. When treating 
upholstered furniture and mattresses thoroughly spray exterior, paying particular attention to seams and folds. Interior should be treated to 
eliminate hidden infestations.
Microban Formula X-580 Institutional Spray Plus when used as directed is effective in decontaminating the treated exposed  surfaces of 
bedding, mattresses, textiles, drapes, upholstered furniture, rugs, carpets and in storage areas to control mold, mildew, fungus, insects and 
odors wherever they are a problem.

Microban X-580 is effective against these and many other:
•  Fleas          
•  Ticks
•  Lice            
•  Bedbugs
•  Mites          
•  Roaches
•  Aspergillus niger (Black Mold) 
•  Aspergillus flavus 
•  Aspergillus terreus 
•  Penicillium citrinum 
•  Athletes' foot fungi
•  Influenza A2
•  Herpes simplex 2 - Genital herpes
•  Staphylococcus aureus
•  Staphylococcus albus
•  Staphylococcus aureus hemolyticus coagulase
•  Salmonella choleraesuis 
•  Escherichia coli 
•  Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus
•  Staphylococcus albus coagulase 
•  Staphylococcus citreus 
•  Salmonella typhosa 
•  Pseudomonas aeruginosa 
•  Most gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria

Microban X-590 Institutional Spray**: A water-based bactericide, fungicide, deodorant and insecticide with an ultraviolet tracer. It kills mold, mildew, bacteria odors, and nuisance insects such as roaches, lice, fleas, ants, beetles, bed bugs and their larvae. 


 Features include:

  • Phenol/Quat base
  • Ready-to-use
  • Non-corrosive
  • Disinfectant-Deodorizer-Insecticide
  • Registered for use on hard and soft surfaces including mattresses 
    • Excellent for combating bed bugs 
X-590 is also suitable for many decontamination applications including sewage backups, removal of carcasses and more, and is EPA-registered for application with a sprayer. 

about Bedbugs we look at common places where they reside and breed, and the application methods of Microban X-590 to help control and get rid of them.


Bedbug Habitats

The name "bedbugs" would logically indicate that the only place they are harbored is in bedding, but there are a number of other places in a room where they can, and often do, live and breed; some quite surprising, as this list shows:

  • wall-mounted artwork
  • headboards
  • nightstands
  • mattress
  • box spring
  • bed frame
  • pillows
  • upholstery
  • drapes
  • behind electrical switch and outlet covers
  • luggage stands
  • luggage storage areas - both open and enclosed

Inspecting these areas requires a familiarity with the signs of bedbug infestation, such as bloodstains, cast skins, fecal discoloration and, of course, live bedbugs. The room must be brightly lit for the inspection, and a flashlight used for less illuminated areas. A magnifying glass helps for identifying the signs of infestation, though the bedbugs, at just short of ¼" can be seen quite easily with the naked eye.


The basic procedure before applying Microban X-590 is:

  1. Inspect each area where bedbugs can harbor.
  2. Remove any wall-mounted artwork and headboards.
  3. Vacuum all signs of infestation and other debris.

Applying Microban X590

Apply Microban X-590 to all surfaces where telltale signs of bedbugs are found.

Application of X-590 can be done either by spraying or cold fogging. Spraying should be done with a fine spray to avoid over-wetting mattresses and box springs. Cold fogging is the fastest and most efficient method to apply X-590 to mattresses and box springs.

  Microban X-590 

A water-based insecticide that kills nuisance insects, and is registered for use on soft surfaces, including mattresses, making it perfect for combating bedbugs. It also includes a tracer, visible under UV light, which is especially important when compliance with local regulations for mattress treatments required. 


Although we focused on the insecticide capability of X-590, in this series of Legend Brands Bulletins on bedbugs, we should note that X-590 also kills mold, mildew and bacteria odors, and is suitable for many decontamination applications, such as sewage backups and more. These are conditions and situations that are common in institutional and lodging facilities.

Is it OK to use Microban Mediclean X590 Bedbug Treatment in a hot thermal fogger?


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Chemspec X-590-Gal Bedbug Treatment, ProRestore Microban Mediclean, X590 UnSmoke, 1 Gallon GTIN 847136001873 [X-590-Gal]

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This product was added to our store on Tuesday 22 May, 2007.
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